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发表时间:2021-02-24 12:34:48点击:882



来自VIB所的科学家利用SMO公司构建的高通量表型成像平台Pathoviewer,对离体小麦叶片和麦穗病害进展情况进行评估。该平台可对多种植物生理性状进行测量评估,时空分辨率很高,可达 6 µm。所配置的单色相机成像模块安装有滤波轮,可进行RGB、叶绿素荧光以及GFP荧光成像。这已经是利用该表型成像系统发表的系列文章之一。北京博普特科技有限公司是SMO公司系列植物表型成像系统中国区总代理,全面负责其系列产品在中国市场的推广、销售和售后服务。




Presence of the Weakly Pathogenic Fusarium poae in the Fusarium Head Blight Disease Complex Hampers Biocontrol and Chemical Control of the Virulent Fusarium graminearum Pathogen

Fusarium head blight (FHB) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is caused by a onsortium of mutually interacting Fusarium species. In the fifield, the weakly pathogenic F.

poae often thrives on the infection sites of the virulent F. graminearum. In this ecological context, we investigated the effificacy of chemical and biocontrol agents against F. graminearum in wheat ears. For this purpose, one fungicide comprising prothioconazole + spiroxamine and two bacterial biocontrol strains, Streptomyces rimosus LMG 19352 and Rhodococcus sp. R-43120 were tested for their effificacy to reduce FHB symptoms and mycotoxin (deoxynivalenol, DON) production by F.

graminearum in presence or absence of F. poae. Results showed that the fungicide and both actinobacterial strains reduced FHB symptoms and concomitant DON levels in wheat ears inoculated with F. graminearum. Where Streptomyces rimosus appeared to have direct antagonistic effects, Rhodococcus and the fungicide mediated suppression of F. graminearum was linked to the archetypal salicylic acid and jasmonic acid defense pathways that involve the activation of LOX1, LOX2 and ICS. Remarkably, this chemical- and biocontrol effificacy was signifificantly reduced when F. poae was co-inoculated with F. graminearum. This reduced effificacy was linked to a suppression of the plant’s intrinsic defense system and increased levels of DON. In conclusion, our study shows that control strategies against the virulent F. graminearum in the disease complex causing FHB are hampered by the presence of the weakly pathogenic F. poae. This study provides generic insights in the complexity of control strategies against plant diseases caused by multiple pathogens.

Keywords: Fusarium, actinobacteria, pathobiome, biocontrol, multispectral imaging

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